I thought I’d put my ‘rushing woman’ (thanks Dr Libby) behind me but she came back yesterday full force and had actually stuck her nose back into my life a few times over the last month.

Yesterday the rushing peaked, stocked up on vitamins, got the boys some home learning stuff, didn’t actually supermarket shop but work messages, dinner, cleaning, picking up some books, walking were all on the agenda.

By mid-day I had a stress headache coming on and I figured out what was going on ? hadn’t eaten well either. I STOPPED, I sat, I tried to read (but couldn’t, head too sore), then just took myself to bed.

A good night’s sleep really does do wonders and so does re-assessing the situation… although quietly my mind is saying “see it was worth rushing yesterday, you got it all done, you knew everyone would need to be in self-isolation soon”. Indeed all New Zealand is now, for at least a month.

So how do you deal with the ‘I am freaking out moment’? I did stop and remembered RACK (and for the life of me can’t remember who taught this to me, please let me know if it was you, I’ll acknowledge the wonderful Prof Lea Waters just in case!).

Recognise what is going on, don’t judge it.

Accept it, it’s OK, it is life and life is not always easy.

Calmly work out the options, what can I do to work out this situation or make myself feel better?!

Do it with kindness… to yourself and others.

And sharing it often helps too, with a friendly partner or girlfriend. The latter more useful in my latest instance as my dear friends all have their own ‘rushing woman’ paying visits, so they get it, hubby more likely to mumble something indiscernible.

So ? I’ll be making an effort to connect with the girls socially, even if it will have to be virtually for a month or so.

And remember fabulous ladies, as you become everything for your family unit now, to stop and take stock. And also remember that you can choose to be happy! There are silver linings!

With love, stay safe, until next time.



Author Inge

Founder of The Happy Way, writer and Goals Success Coach.

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